The Advanced Java Training will increase your Internet and Networking programming skills. It will help you to do programming with database using JDBC and RDBMD concept. You can design better Graphical user interfaces with Swing and AWT technology.


Course Content

  • Reflection:-Detecting Types, Run Time Type Identification, Reflection: run time class information, Examining classes, Finding Class modifiers, Finding Class Constructors, Finding Class methods, Finding Class fields, Creating objects based on RTTI and invoking methods, A Simple Factory pattern.
  • API Contents:-Primitive wrapper classes (such as Boolean, Character, Double, Integer, etc.), Autoboxing & unboxing, java.text package, java.util package, String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer classes.
  • Annotations (Metadata):-Annotation Basics, Specifying a Retention Policy, Obtaining Annotations at Run Time by Use of Reflection, The AnnotatedElement Interface, Using Default Values, Marker Annotations, Single-Member Annotations, The Built-In Annotations, Some Restrictions.
  • Collections and Generics Framework:-Describe the general purpose implementations of the core interfaces in the Collections framework, Examine the Map interface, Examine the legacy collection classes, Create natural and custom ordering by implementing the Comparable and Comparator interfaces, Use generic collections, Use type parameters in generic classes, Refactor existing non-generic code, Write a program to iterate over a collection, Examine the enhanced for loop.
  • Building Java GUIs Using the Swing API:-Describe the JFC Swing technology, Define Swing, Identify the Swing packages, Describe the GUI building blocks: containers, components, and layout managers, Examine top-level, general-purpose, and special-purpose properties of container, Examine components, Examine layout managers, Describe the Swing single-threaded model, Build a GUI using Swing components.
  • Handling GUI-Generated Events:-Define events and event handling, Examine the Java SE event model, Describe GUI behavior, Determine the user action that originated an event, Develop event listeners, Describe concurrency in Swing-based GUIs and describe the features of the SwingWorker class, Describe how to construct a menu bar, menu, and menu items in a Java GUI, Understand how to change the color and font of a component.
  • Database Access and Permissions:-Database Setup, Create Database Table, DB Drivers, Type 1,2,3 and 4 drivers, Driver Manager, Connection, Commit, Statements, Callable and prepared statements, Resultsets, Meta Data, Database Access by Applications, Establishing a Database Connection, Writing and Reading Data.
  • Networking:-Develop code to set up the network connection, Understand TCP/IP, Use ServerSocket and Socket classes to implement TCP/IP clients and servers.
  • Remote Method Invocation:-Program Behavior, File Summary, Compile the Example, Start the RMI Registry, Run the RemoteServer Server Object, Run the RMIClient Program, RemoteSend Class, Send Interface.
  • Writing Servlets:- HTML Form, Servlet Backend, More Information.