This is object based so it supports all OOP language based object representation of real time business entities. Because of the text base nature, it is accepted by and for different web based applications.


Course Content

  • Introduction: –Exchanging Data, Storing Data.
  • JSON Syntax:-Syntax Rules, A Name and a Value, Evaluates to JavaScript Objects, JSON Values, JSON Uses JavaScript Syntax, JavaScript Arrays as JSON.
  • JSON Data Types:-JSON Strings, JSON Numbers, JSON Objects, JSON Arrays, JSON Booleans, JSON null.
  • JSON Objects:-Object Syntax, Accessing Object Values, Looping an Object, Nested JSON Objects, Modify Values, Delete Object Properties.
  • JSON Arrays:-Arrays as JSON Objects, Arrays in JSON Objects, Accessing Array Values, Looping Through an Array, Nested Arrays in JSON Objects, Modify Array Values, Delete Array Items.
  • JSON Parse:-JSON From the Server, Array as JSON, Parsing Dates, Parsing Functions.
  • JSON Stringify:-Stringify a JavaScript Object, Stringify a JavaScript Array, Stringify Dates, Stringify Functions.
  • JSON HTML:-HTML Table with JSON, Dynamic HTML Table with JSON, HTML Drop Down List with JSON.
  • JSON JSNOP:- JSONP Intro, Server File, JavaScript function, Creating a Dynamic Script Tag, Dynamic JSONP Result, Call-back Function.