Web services is an application that extents the power of a web based solution to work in heterogeneous systems and use standardized XML messaging service and JSON services also. It is not bind with any operating system or programming language. Web services platform is XML + JSON + HTTP. Standard Web Services works using SOAP, UDDI & WSDL.


Course Content

  • Defining SOAP Messages with WSDL:-XML namespaces, Describing XML with schema, Role of SOAP in web services, Operations, messages and faults, Defining the interfaces of a web service, Specifying implementation.
  • Implementing Code–First Web Services:-Applying JAX–WS annotations to POJO, Configuring and deploying a web service implementation, Building interoperable applications by conforming to Web Services Interoperability (WS–I) standards, Implementing a web service endpoint using JAX–WS.
  • Building RESTful Web Services:-Describing the REST architectural style, Comparing SOAP and RESTful web services, Adding JAX–RS annotations to a POJO, Configuring result types using HTTP request headers, Deploying a JAX–WS service, Interacting with request URLs, Mapping URLs to Java classes and methods, Binding URL components to method arguments.
  • Providing Server–Side Support for Ajax Clients:-Applying cases for JSON with RESTful services, Interpreting a message formatted as JSON, Controlling JSON generation with JAXB annotations, Defining a JSON return type from a Java method.
  • Developing RESTful Clients:- Building the client’s request, Handling the service’s response code and exceptions, Mapping XML with Java API for XML Binding (JAXB), Converting Java arguments with JAXB and JAX–RS, Implementing server–push with JAX–RS, Delivering asynchronous client requests.